Tuesday 1 October 2013

Evaluation of Media Film(s)

Evaluation of Media Film(s)

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ?
Dialogue used in our short-film " Depression and Baby Steaks" starts as an internal monologue to explain the character's thoughts and used as exposition; in between the film dialogue becomes a conversation/interview between the two characters, aside from the minimal tension the dialogue is civil until one line conveys to the audience that there is something sinister. Camera shots such as the 180 degree rule, match on action, and over the shoulder have proven useful such as introducing characters, focusing on through the perspective of characters, etc. Mise-en- scene was used in this short film but not to a high extent such as the lack of  appropriate costumes, setting of area was not convincing, no use of symbolism, minimal prop usage such as handcuffs work binder/files, and the soundtrack was the theme from the film "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (1975) ".
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups ?
Two social groups portrayed in this short film are the mentally ill/ anti-social people and a middle-to-high-class physician/psychiatrist. The "Physician" social group is represented as a slightly difficult to read, calm, and hopeful person who believes he can cure his patient of his burdens/madness. The "Mentally Ill" social group is represented in a negative outlook, although not all people with mental illness are not harmful beings, the representation in this short-film is a criminal, difficult to read, and hostile.
3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?
I think that a film or a television media institutions such as Universal or ITV might be suitable media institutions that would distribute this media product; however it is a short-film so it could end up in a media institution like YouTube.
4. Who would be the media audience for your media product ?
The short film I made with another student is called "Depression and Baby Steaks", a quick story of how a psychiatrist believes he can cure a seemingly harmless mad man, I believe it would be best to show adolescents and older.
5. How did you attract/address the audience ?
The audience isn't directly addressed to, however they are indirectly addressed to by one of the character's monologues  to provide a quick background of the second character and the first characters' thoughts. Attracting the audiences' attention in my opinion was difficult, odd/simple character names, minor tension in a civil conversation, and finally reaches the sentence that shows the audience that the main character's belief in helping the second character may be futile.
7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product ?
I've learnt how to create a storyboard and script and that major improvements are needed and that the management of a camera and editing the short film must be learnt thoroughly before the next project if I want the assignment to succeed.

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