Tuesday 5 November 2013

Half-Term Assignment 1 (1 of 2)

Half-Term Assignment 1
For this half-term assignment for Media Studies I will attempt to dissect the micro-codes that I can detect from the scene of a psychological thriller-drama known as "Hannibal" (2013). Please view this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M1yA6A2fLE 
Now after watching this link you can notice that there is no diegetic or non-diegetic sound playing besides the dialogue of the two characters presented, quite effective as there is a build up of tension and volume in the conversation. The viewer is 'all ears' to say, without any non-diegetic sound whether contrapuntal or fitting we are focusing on this private and serious dialogue. The lighting of the setting appears dim, not low-key lighting but dark to add a grim or weary atmosphere. Through the course of the conversation before the final few seconds you will notice that the camera shots are medium-close-ups of the characters and that they are shot-reverse-shots that allows some sense of being part of the conversation. Once the video reaches 00:38 seconds, a jump cut of a wide shot of the characters and setting appears allowing the continuity of the shots and conversation to flow. Through out the video, the 180 degree rule was not broken.
You will notice that in the course of these reverse shots of the characters that the character at the left (Jack Crawford) is focused on the character at the right (Will Graham) and the situation at hand, however we do know that Will is speaking directly to Jack but he isn't always making direct eye contact, giving the viewer the idea that Will isn't entirely focused, something is damaged within his character. Costume, hair slightly reflects on the attitudes of the characters, we can tell by Jacks' attire that he's involved in a serious and grim career involving in the capture of the villainous alongside with what few lines in the dialogue; Wills' appearance seems simple, fragile as if he may eventually break reflecting on how he argues with Jack, further showing Wills' deteriorating sanity. 

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