Wednesday 5 March 2014

Grazia Notes-Internet

Benefits of Grazia's website include:

The Readers
-Easier access to the readers
-Previewing the contents of their next issue
-Free video access (fashion in paricular)
-More interactive for the consumers

The Magazine itself
- Mass audience
-Image of magazine reflects towards audience
- Increased advertising revenues
-Increased brand readership and loyalty

Possible Threats
- The rise of online fashion blogs-daily, not weekly, free, niche etc.
- Decrease in sale as less people purchase the actual magazines.

Friday 28 February 2014

Filming Schedule

Film Opening Schedule

7th of December, 2013
Mad Harry’s Fancy Dress and Party Shop
Streets of Portishead, UK
Forest area near Portishead.
Volunteer Actor’s home in Portishead.
-A long shot outside at the front of Mad Harry’s Fancy Dress and Party Shop, Paranoid Man enters building. One long shot, a two-person shot, one close-up and one over the shoulder shot where the Paranoid Man sees The Man in Yellow
-One long shot of the Paranoid Man running to the bus stop, a close-up shot, and a two person shot of the Man in Yellow and the Paranoid Man running away.
Camera shot Ped down, showing the legs of the Paranoid Man fleeing as the Man in Yellow follows
-Long shot of the Paranoid Man that turns 180 degrees angles from right to left revealing to the background the Man in Yellow
-A long shot outside at the front of the home, Paranoid Man enters building. Close-up shot of coffee mug, medium/long shot behind Paranoid Man as he browses through the computer. A medium shot of the Paranoid Man turning around, camera zooms in twice at the door and the Paranoid Man in fear; close-up of hand taking knife.
11th of January,2014
Forest area near Portishead
-Long shot of Paranoid Man hiding, as he looks up the camera must be as a POV shot of the man looking up, reverts back into a long shot as the Paranoid Man runs off, the Man in Yellow is hidden within the background.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Film Opening - Planning (Redo)

Film Opening - Planning (Redo) and Log

Because of multiple problems from poor time management to over-ambitious goals, the narrative and planning of this short film opening has been changed drastically. The film being created is now called "The Man in Yellow"; this narrative is about a paranoid man who believes he is being followed by a man in a yellow coat around his local town.The Paranoid Man is running and hiding from this ominous force, however I aimed to make this 'man in yellow' as a force that the audience are not sure that really exists; perhaps the 'man in yellow' is a paranoid delusion, a coincidence, or a real threat. As the film reaches to the end, the paranoid man is in the comfort of his home, only to realise that an unwanted guest is knocking on the door (presumably the Man in Yellow depending on the audience's imagination); the paranoid man panics and prepares himself by taking up a knife as the opening fades to black.

The opening was filmed in the 7th of December, 2013 in Portishead, Bristol, UK ; locations used for filming include the streets of Portishead, the woods around the area, a costume shop named "Mad Harrys", and a home from one of the volunteer actors. The one responsible for using the camera will be myself and the editing will be done by my partner and I. The person playing as The Paranoid Man is my partner and the volunteer playing as The Man in Yellow is a friend of my partner. The only notable props/costumes in this short-film would be the volunteer actor's yellow coat which uses a bright cheerful colour and associate it with a seemingly threatening force and the kitchen knife at the final scene of the film which represents the dark and villainous traits within the protagonist.

The footage filmed on the 7th of December 2013 requires improvements, therefore we are going to be filming again in the January to February Term on the 11th of January 2014 due to school rules not permitting the use of their equipment during half-term. Luckily, before half-term arrived my partner and I have managed to do most of the editing in the footage we can use for this project.

Film Opening Planning - New Storyboard

Film Opening Planning - New Storyboard

Film opens with an establishing shot of Portishead as our protagonist the Paranoid Man enters a costume shop, match on action is used in the second shot as the character continues to walk into the shop in a camera long shot. In the third shot, the camera is now 180 degrees at the Protagonist's right side browsing through the shop as a Man in Yellow watches. The fourth shot is a close-up shot of the Paranoid Man being startled only to find that no one is there. The fifth shot depicts the Paranoid Man running to the bus stop, this is the shot when the unsettling non diegetic music is begins playing; the sixth shot shows The Paranoid Man sitting next to a person in a yellow coat, he assumes that he is the Man in Yellow and runs off.

The seventh shot is the protagonist cowering and grasping the gate behind him and running off, the camera then zooms to the Man in Yellow sitting far beyond the gate. The 8th shot is a low angle shot showing the feet of the Paranoid Man running as the Man in Yellow follows him in a calm pace; the 9th shot is now in a forest area as the protagonist hides near a fallen tree, as he looks ups the tenth camera shot is a POV shot of the Paranoid man's perspective looking up to the sky. The eleventh shot is a long shot of the Paranoid Man running off to the distance, it was recommended by my partner to carefully place the Man in Yellow hidden within the background, the 12th shot depicts the Paranoid Man entering his home.

The 13th shot is a close up of a coffee mug positioned as the centre of attention , this camera shot has been noted as the moment where the Paranoid Man has actually stopped running from which further shows in the 14th shot of the Paranoid Man who is now slightly calm. The 15th shot hints a slight, paranoid clue to who or what the Man in Yellow is; the 16th shot shows the Paranoid Man turning suddenly to his back as someone knocks from the other side of the door, let it be noted that the non-diegetic sound stops when the knocking begins. The 17th shot zooms in to the door in order to emphasise the tension in the scene; the final shot is a close-up shot of the Paranoid Man  taking a knife, preparing to attack what lies behind the door.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Film Opening Planning-Storyboard

 Film Opening Planning- Original Storyboard


Storyboards were made in the planning of this short-film opening; their is the possibility of embedding opening credits within the shots. Shot one starts off with a haiku that reflects on the narrative and the protagonist of this film. The second shot establishes the setting of this film and crabs right to our protagonist in a medium shot; the third shot is a close-up of our protagonist contemplating as he looks up to the sky the camera cuts to a sky shot, revealing that it is actually a POV shot as The Artist reaches his hand out to the sky. The fifth shot is a quick, erratic montage of images such as Rorschach ink blots, paintings, and/or text accompanied by the sound of screaming which represents The Artist's growing madness; the sixth shot cuts back to a sky shot that isn't a POV which shows as the camera tilts down as a tracking wide shot of our protagonist.

 The seventh shot  begins as a medium shot behind The Artist, a 180 degree angle turn to his left will zoom in on the character's face which looks up. The action matches on in the eighth shot as a worm's eye view of the character looking at a Church. The ninth shot jumps back to The Artist's close-up, but it is no longer outside but in a different location and he is wearing different clothes. The camera tracks out showing a medium shot of the character and his audience as he unveils his latest work; the eleventh shot is a close-up of an ignorant, unappreciative audience which that become frustrated, The Three Critics are amongst the audience. The twelfth shot is The Artist being attacked by the audience, consisting of match-on action as fists and blows to the head strike our protagonist.

The 13th shot is all the cast members, attacking the Protagonist; the 14th shot is a low angle shot of our Protagonist on the ground crawling onto the ground reaching for his unappreciated work. The 15th shot a close-up of the artists' damaged, and tattered work; the 16th shot is a medium close up of our protagonist in despair at the corner of the room. The 17th shot is another shot of flashing images and text that denotes insanity; the 18th shot shows our protagonist huddled in the corner.

The 19th, 20th, and 21st shots consist of a long view of the tarnished room , The Artist walks to the center fixing the room and gathering his materials. A medium close-up of our protagonist which also shows The Muse in the background, the shot rotates 180 degrees to the left and zooms in, becoming a close-up at the back of The Artist. It soon reveals that the close-up is a POV as a hand reaches out on the left shoulder of The Artist and a blade is in a right hand; the Muse forces down The Artist to the ground. The 22nd shot id a tilted medium shot of The Artist struggling as The Muse forces to plunge the blade into him. Shot 23 is an extreme close-up shot The Artist's eye in sorrow and joy; the 24th shot is the Title.

The 25th shot follows the knife being tossed aside; the 180 degree rule is then followed in the 26th, 27th, and 28th shots. The 26th shot is a long shot that shows the Artist and a stranger, reality is back in order; dialogue is established as stranger asks if the Artist is well which continues in the 27th and 28th shot. Over the shoulder shots were used in shots 27 and 28, however shot 27 is a low angle over the shoulder shot while shot 28 is a high angle over the shoulder shot. A very high angle shot is used in shot 29 as the two characters leave, camera then jump cuts to an over the shoulder shot that is zooming away from The Muse slowly as she watches them from above, film ends with flashing images and text.