Friday 28 February 2014

Filming Schedule

Film Opening Schedule

7th of December, 2013
Mad Harry’s Fancy Dress and Party Shop
Streets of Portishead, UK
Forest area near Portishead.
Volunteer Actor’s home in Portishead.
-A long shot outside at the front of Mad Harry’s Fancy Dress and Party Shop, Paranoid Man enters building. One long shot, a two-person shot, one close-up and one over the shoulder shot where the Paranoid Man sees The Man in Yellow
-One long shot of the Paranoid Man running to the bus stop, a close-up shot, and a two person shot of the Man in Yellow and the Paranoid Man running away.
Camera shot Ped down, showing the legs of the Paranoid Man fleeing as the Man in Yellow follows
-Long shot of the Paranoid Man that turns 180 degrees angles from right to left revealing to the background the Man in Yellow
-A long shot outside at the front of the home, Paranoid Man enters building. Close-up shot of coffee mug, medium/long shot behind Paranoid Man as he browses through the computer. A medium shot of the Paranoid Man turning around, camera zooms in twice at the door and the Paranoid Man in fear; close-up of hand taking knife.
11th of January,2014
Forest area near Portishead
-Long shot of Paranoid Man hiding, as he looks up the camera must be as a POV shot of the man looking up, reverts back into a long shot as the Paranoid Man runs off, the Man in Yellow is hidden within the background.

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